Nurses—Making a Difference in Global Health


A collaborative, grassroots, global initiative honoring nurses’ voices, values and wisdom — to act as catalysts for achieving a healthy world.

The2010 International Year of the Nurse (IYNurse) is the centennial year of the death of the founder of modern nursing - Florence Nightingale (1820-1910). To celebrate, the 2010 IYNurse was established to actively involve the world's nurses - estimated to be more than 15 million - in a celebration of commitment to bring health to their communities, locally and worldwide.

Share your story, poems or other reflections

New Video Celebrating Nurses - a tribute to all nurses and caregivers.

What's New?

2010 IYNurse Celebration - Program held 4/25/2010 at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC
View the video
See the program
Read the article

New Florence Nightingale Museum now open!

United Nations Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)

The MDGs are eight international development goals that 192 United Nations Member States and at least 23 international organizations agreed to achieve by the year 2015.  They were officially established at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, where world leaders adopted the UN Millenium Declaration from which these Goals were promoted.  While the MDGs center around several sectors - including health, poverty, eduction, gender and the environment - all focus the world's attention on critical issues which impact the health of humanity as a whole.  Read More >>

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  Award-winning BBC Drama
New 2010 Commemorative
Florence Nightingale BBC DramaFlorence Nightingale DVD now available

A portion of your purchase goes toward the 2010 IYNurse initiative.