Nurses—Making a Difference in Global Health

Florence Nightingale's Relevance for Today

The name of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) has been revered and respected —across the world — for more than a century. Even today, her contributions to nursing theory, education, practice, research, statistics, public health, and healthcare reform are foundational and inspirational. And, her contributions to human health still continue to be revealed.

The name of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) has been revered and respected —across the world — for more than a century. Even today, her contributions to nursing theory, education, practice, research, statistics, public health, and healthcare reform are foundational and inspirational. And, her contributions to human health still continue to be revealed.
BBC Award-winning Florence Nightingale DVD
Award-winning BBC drama -
Florence Nightingale DVD now available!

Florence Nightingale Museum opens!

The Influence of Florence NIghtingale in Japan

Hear a historical recording, conducted by Thomas Edison's assistant in London, Col. George Gouraud, at Nightingale's home on 30 July 1890.

Nightingale was a consummate health policy advocate who influenced the world's political leaders of her time. She was an ardent environmentalist who changed conditions that caused disease. She was a global networker who corresponded with thousands of people around the world about furthering and promoting health issues.

She was an effective communications and media expert who impacted upon public awareness to change how people understood and valued health in her time. She knew the critical importance of self care and renewal.

 “You must inform public opinion…” Florence Nightingale, 1893

From her own deep and prolonged experience with personal health issues, she advocated for all nurses to be continually renewed to sustain their effective, compassionate and caring practices. She called all these approaches “Health Nursing.”

Today, in our 21st century ‘global village,’ these broader insights from Nightingale can become innovative approaches developed by nurses who seek to impact and influence the factors which will determine and sustain the health of humanity in our time.

“When I am no longer even a memory, just a name, I hope my voice perpetuates the great work of my life. God bless my dear old comrades of Balaclava and bring them safe to shore.”

- Florence Nightingale